Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Filming - Day 2

Today I decided to get the kidnapping scenes related to the first victim filmed. The the killer stalks the victim in the woods with a knife. Useing the camera point of view shots im able to create a connection between the audience and the scene, therefore adding to the building tension. Some shots are hand held and unsteady to show the victims fear as she is running away. Using diffrent points in the woods i have created a scequence of diffrent shots to show the killer watching the victim whie she is unaware as she waits for her friend. She smokes a cigrette to pass time and give the audience a reason as to why the victim is sitting down. She makes a phone call to her friend coplaining that he is late to also give the audience information on what is going on. Using a variety of camera angles, tilts and pans i have created movement and estamblished the scenes . Some of the shots are still to let the viewers focus on what is going on between the victim and the killer. Using extree close ups i have captures the killers face, to create and intense atmosphere. Using the woods is great as it is issolated and easy for the killer to stalk and kill the victim.

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