Thursday, 11 February 2010

Interview Analysis

Analysis of Interviews

1. What thriller movie is your favourite and why?
The question allowed to gain a increasing knowledge of my target audience mind set, they seemed to like thrillers that were related to crime and depicted the lifestyle of a criminal, i shall try to include this element in to my thriller opening.

2. What kind of music genre and theme do you think collaborates with thriller movies?
Most of the answers illustrate that the conventional thriller music was more appropriate to use in these films as it added to the suspense and draws the viewers that are my target audience in to the film. Therefore i shall relate my sound track to the conventional music used in thrillers, with a contemporary twist.

3. Do you prefer phycological thrillers or Crime/Physical thrillers? why?
(Give examples of movies you like in this genre & why.)
Out of three of my target audiences two of them felt crime thrillers were more interesting as they felt they were more intriguing to watch. They seemed to like the journey the killer takes in killing his victims and the investigation that leads to killer being caught.

4. What kind of storyline do you like in thriller movies?
One of the Killers suggested that a mask used to cover the identity of the killer is a brilliant idea because the clues through out the movie will instead reveal small clues as to who the killer is. This makes the movie all the more interesting and more likely the audience will feel drawn to watch more. I want to use this idea in my movie to create more curiosity that will draw my target audience to watch my thriller.

5. What locations do you find most effective in thriller movies? why
(give Examples of locations in movies)
Two of the interview results suggested the woods would be a great location to film a thriller as they are isolated, Gothic, creepy and i would not have to ask for any permission to use the film site. The Woods also create a perfect location to stalk and hunt a victim down. Another target audience suggested the graveyard would also add to the atmosphere in the movie. The olden graveyard symbolises death and decay, symbolising the killers mental thoughts.

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